
Love is an amazing attribute.

An attribute that goes back over 2,000 years. Yes, that long ago.

In the beginning, love was expressed by our Heavenly Father as He and His Son Jesus Christ designed the great Plan of Salvation. This plan was created for all of us to have the opportunity to return to His presence someday. We as children of The Highest chose to follow His plan and not to follow Satan as the war in heaven was in full swing giving us the freedom of choice.

We all knew of that pure unconditional love then and as we go through our life's journey here on earth we will also experience many types of love.  How we love one another unconditionally throughout our lives here on earth, will determine our rewards in heaven when we return to His presence.

Let us feel that unconditional love, let us give that love to one another and let us share that love towards everyone we interact with through our adventures on earth.

There is no better way to say "love" than the way it is written on a frame that hangs in my living room.

"If your heart is full of love, you'll always have something to give"


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