Cleaning Mom's by Kitchen...part 1

Had a funeral to attend to in PA. While I was there I took Mom's kitchen into my cleaning hands as I do every time I visit. She is now in her 80's and she just doesn't see the dirt like I do.😬

I took my pail full of cleaning supplies and in between funeral sessions I scrubbed the entire kitchen from top to bottom, especially the cabinets.
I took my handy dandy cleaner. This stuff is amazing. You get it at Dollartree. 
It's called "Awesome RLC"...a knockoff of CLR. It's fantastic😁.
Just don't inhale 😵 after spraying...the smell disappears within five minutes. I always spray it and walk away for a bit of time.

Here is a drawer before spraying and wiping it clean.

Here is the after

the door before

door after

The handles came out like new...I did use a plastic brush and more solution to remove the grime, dirt and grease.


They looked lovely.

Next week the refrigerator.


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