The Beauty Of My Early Morning Walks
Every morning at 6am I walk 3 miles around the property in which I live in.
This property is absolutely beautiful once the day and the sun rises. Let me take you on a tour of this lovely parking lot.
This is what I see every morning. This is the back of Sacred Heart Church where they have their festival every year. It is early (6am) and the grass is full of dew and the fog is slowly rising to its vanishing point.
As the day begins to peek through the trees so does the beauty of this property. The church sits in the center of the property giving me the access to go around it 10 times, a total of 3 miles.
This is the entrance of the church parking lot.
And as the sun begins to rise in the east I get to capture its beauty smiling at me.
This is Sacred Heart Catholic Church. With its gorgeous Spanish style design brings much memories of the Catholic churches in Puerto Rico..
This is one of its side view..
All the roses around the statue of the virgin Mary are now very large and full of buds ready to bloom.
This is my apt. complex, built right in the property because the church owns the complex.
You can see my apt. on the 4th floor, its the one with all the pots full of plants.
All these trees are now full of bloom.
They are now getting a new roof and some new construction on the back of the church building is now in progress.
This lovely tree faces my bedroom window.
This property is lovely and walking it every morning is a joy.
looks fun in beautiful surroundings...