Lord fill me with thy love

Our lives are so filled with so many things to do on our "to do" lists, blogging and lets not forget social media websites that we often visit. These worldly occupations often keeps us away from refueling and cleansing our inner engines (our body , heart & soul).
I have been pondering about all the things I do, say and think that separates me from Him (Heavenly Father). Yes, I prayed and read my scriptures daily, I given 100% to the all my church callings and responsibilities, I'm an honest person and I serve my fellow man...but am I really spending time  quality time with my Savior?...very little.
I am more busier now than when I worked and was raising a family.
So after thinking about this I knew a change had to come and PRONTO!
I then put my priorities in order and cut down on my extra daily everyday things I used to do. First, spend quality time with my Savior and read my scriptures, then close my food blog ( I hate to do that but I must), to post less on facebook, exercise more...no exercise on Sundays, meditate for 10 minutes every morning, pray and unite with the Lord 3 times a day, listen to music once in a while and watch television only at night.
So much social media and un-necessary blogging has worn me out and has pushed me aside from filling my heart with His Spirit...I need to take hold of the reins now not Satan, so I can fill myself with HIS love and not mine.


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