A Day of Learning and Laughing

Babysitting can become a bonding and enriching time for either the babysitter or the children. It can unite people's hearts while enjoying their precious company. I babysit every week about once or twice a week. Planning for those days takes quite some time on my part. I plan activities like crafts, hiking, teaching the girls to needlepoint, crochet, painting, stamping, sewing, having beauty days together to do manicures, haircuts and pedicures. This last week I decided to do pedicures on the girls and I must say their toes and feet looked marvelous. In return my youngest grand-daughter Natalia asked me if she could give me a pedicure, I was honored. As I watched her prepare her working station exactly the same way I did, I realized how much they observe what you do. That made me see that I must try to be the best example to them.

The best and funniest part of all my pedicure was soaking my feet in freezing cold water. That was a shocker and a great laugh for all of us.
The beauty of this time together was the gentle and compassionate way she removed the braces off my feet. That made my heart melt and at the same time my heart took a picture of what humility is all about.

Then we went for a hike at the Metro Park and the walk was a great one. I found this tree as we walked that had fallen to the floor but the more I looked at it I thought it was carved their. No it wasn't...it was a fallen tree that had the formation and design of a bird. It was very interesting.

We then went for ice cream and to the animal shelter. The girls love animals and they trult enjoyed being there.

The day ended up on my balcony where the girls made bubbles from the giant bubble wands I had bought them. Natalia was the bubble queen as you see she did a great job.

This week I have haircuts, manicures and baking on the babysitting agenda for our day together.


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